Akar Som - Talinum paniculatumAkar Seratus
Aji Samad - Jackia ornata
Asam Jawa/Celagi - Tamarindus indica
Avacado - Persea americana
AraTanah / Gelang Susu, Keremak Susu - Euphorbia hirta
Ara Songsang
Akar Cerita
Akar Manis
Akar Sapuk Tunggul
Akar Tengkuk Biawak - Fagraea acuminatissima
Anggerik Kesumba
Ara Beringin - Ficus benjamina
Asam gelungur - Garcinia atrovirdis
Asam Paya
Ara Bumbong
Agav Sisal / Fukria - Agave sisalana
Alamanda Kuning - Allamanda cathartica
Bawang Mas / Tembaga Susu
Balik Angin/Tampin - Mallotus barbatus
Bangun-bangun - Plectranthus amboinicus
Bebaru / Baru-baru - Hibiscus tiliaceus
Belimbing hutan
Batang Wali
Belimbing Buluh - Averrhoa bilimbi
Belimbing Tanah/Tongkong - Oxalis barrelieri
Bemban - Donax grandis
Bebuta/Buta-Buta - Excoecaria agallocha
Beluntas Paya - Pluchea indica
Bayam Duri/Bayam Hutan - Amaranthus spinosus
Bayam Pasir/Keremak/Pudoh - Alternanthera sessilis
Bunga Kekwa
Batu Jin / Pecah Batu / Bayam Karang - Strobilanthes crispa
Bunga Kantan
Bunga Loceng
Bunga Melor - Jasminum sambac
Bunga Cina /Susun Kelah
Bunga Tanjung - Mimusops elengi
Capa/Sombung/Mambong - Blumea balsamifera
Cekor/Cekur Hijau/Cekur Jawa - Kaempferia galanga
Cekur Batik / Cekur Hutan - Kaempferia elegans
Cekur Manis Gajah/Perupong - Glyptopetalum quadrangulare
Cempaka Puteh - Michelia alba
Cempaka Kuning -Michelia champaca
Celaka Biru / C.Bunga
Cina Maki/Gelam Bukit/Serai Kayu Wangi - Leptospermum flavescens
Cekak Manis/Tarok Manis - Sauropus androgynus
Celaka Merah
Celaka Puteh/Celaka Bukit - Plumbago zeylanica
Cekur Buluh
Cengkih - Syzygium aromaticum
Cengkian/Cemkian/Jemekian - Croton tiglium
Delima - Punica granatum
Dokong Anak/Amin Buah - Phyllanthus urinaria
Durian Belanda/Durian Mekah/Nangka Belanda - Annona muricata
Daun Dewa / Dewa Raja /Sambung Nyawa - Gynura pseudochina
Daun Kesum - Persicaria coronarium
Depu Pelanduk - Wikstromia ridleyi
Daun Sehelai Setahun - Nervilia punctata
Ekor Anjing - Plantago major
Ekor Kucing - Acalypha hispida
Ego/Peniti/Jemuju/Ketumbar Jawa - Eryngium foetidum
Elek Besi / Itah Besi - Smilax myosofolio
Elek Tembaga / E.Dawai - Smilax calophylla
Gajah Beranak - Goniothalamus macrophyllus
Geli-geli - Lasia spinosa
Geli-geli hitam - Cyrtosperma lasioidies
Gelenggang Padang/Gelenggang Kasar - Senna alata
Gandarussa Hitam - Gandarussa valguris
Gandarrusa Puteh - Justicia gendarussa
Ganda Suli
Gelam Tikus
Gelenggang Daun Besar - Cassia alata
Gadum / Ara
Geraham Badak - Phyllochlamyswallehii
Galak Tua
Getang Guri
Ginseng Gunung
Gambir Laut/Gambir Paya - Uncaria lancea
Gelam/Kayu Putih - Melaleuca cajputi
Gajus/ Ketereh/Janggus - Anacardium occidentale
Ganda Rusa Hutan
Halia - Zingiber officinale
Halia Hutan /Rimba
Halia Bara
Hempedu Bumi /Pokok Cerita - Andrographis paniculata
Hujan Panas / Bela Puteh - Breynia racemosa
Hempedu Beruang/Seburut/Telinga Kalawar - Thottea grandiflora
Hanuman /Jelutah/Pokok bajang beranak - Schefflera simulans
Halia Kesing / Pepijat
Haji Samat/Setunjang Bumi - Prismatomeris tetrandra
Inai - Lawsonia inermis
Isi Raja Satong / Kepala Beruk
Jarum Tujuh Bilah - Pereskia grandifolia
Jerangau - Acorus calamus
Jarak - Ricinus communis
Jarak Merah / J.Belanda
Jeruju Puteh
Jarum Mas (Rumput) - Striga asiatica
Jering - Archidendrum jiringa
Jenjuang / Lenjung - Cordyline fruticosa
Jambu Batu - Psidium guava
Jintan puteh
Jeruju Hitam - Acanthus ebracteatus
Jintan Hitam - Nigella sativa
Janggut Adam - Tacca intergrifolia
Janggut Baung - Homalomena rostrata
Jarak cina
Jintan / Oregano - Origanum vulgare
Jeruju - Acanthus ilicifolius
Kekabu Hutan - Bombax valetonii
Kaduk/Sirih Dudoh/Bugu - Piper sarmentosum
Kaduk Hutan -Piper stylosum
Kapur Barus - Dryobalanops aromatica
Kacip Fatimah - Labisia Pumila
Kacang Telang - Clitorea ternatea
Ketumpang Air/Rangu-rangu - Piper pellucidum
Kulim - Scorodocarpus borneesi
Kemunting Cina - Catharanthus roseus
Kemangi Hitam
Kenerak - Ghoniothalamus umbrosus
Kemboja Puteh
Kemboja Cina - Plumeria rubra
Kerbau Amok - Schefflera ridleyi
Kayu Manis - Cinnamomum zeylanicum
Kunyit Hitam - Curcuma aeruginosa
Kunyit Emas/Temu Kuning - Curcuma zedoaria
Kunyit Puteh/Temu Putih - Didymocarpus crinita
Kunyit - Cucurma longa
Keladi Cantik - Alocasia denudata
Keladi Tikus - Typhonium flagelliforme
Keladi Hutan/Keladi Birah - Colocasia esculenta
Keladi Kemoyang - Homalomena sagittifolia
Keladi Sebaring - Alocasia macrorrhizos
Kecubong/Terong Pengar - Datura fastuosa
Kepala Sari / Akar Teriba
Kancing Baju / Jelita - Bidens pilosa
Kancing Baju Jantan/Rumput Teki/Rumput Serapat - Kyllinga brevifolia
Kecupu - Garcinia prainiana
Kucing Galak/Ceka Emas/Lis-Lis - Acalypha indica
Kemangi/Ruku/Selasih - Ocimum tenuiflorum
Kembang Semangkuk - Scaphium macropodum
Kelutut Puteh
Kiambang - Pistia stratiotes
Kemuning Putih - Murraya paniculata
Kenanga - Cananga odorata
Kedondong - Spondias pinnata
Katak Puru/Nam-nam - Cynometra cauliflora
Kerbau Duak
Kayu Kapur
Kayu Arang/Sangkak - Diospyros buxifolia
Kelapa Berok / Naga Stong - Hydnophytum formicarium
Keruing Mempelas - Dipterocarpus crinitus
Kekunyit/Akar Kuning - Fibraurea tinctoria
Keman Air/Keman Gajah/Kangkung Puteri - Neptunia oleracea
Kurma - Phoenix roebelinii
Lidah Jin/Sansiviria - Sanseviera trifasciata
Larak - Fissitigma latifolium
Lempoyang / Lempoyang Wangi - Zingiber aromaticum
Lempoyang Hitam/Bola Hitam - Zingiber ottensi
Lempoyang Anjing/Tepus Kecil - Zingiber puberulum
Lemba/Kepala Puyuh - Molineria latifolia
Lidah Buaya - Aloe Vera
Lengkuas - Alpinia galanga
Lengkuas ranting/Lengkuas Kecil - Alpinia conchigera
Lemuni Hitam/Leggundi - Vitex negundo
Lemuning/Legundi - Vitex trifolia
Lada Pahit - Brucea sumatrana
Lada Hitam - Piper nigrum
Larak Tepong
Larak Bengk
Limau nipis - Citrus aurantifolia
Limau Purut - Citrus hystrix
Mas Cotek - Ficus deltoidea
Mata Ayam - Ardisia crenata
Mambu/Pokok Nim - Melia indica
Misai Ali - Schizaea digitata
Misai Kucing/Ruku Hutan/Kumis Kucing - Orthosiphon aristatu
Mengkudu - Morinda citrifolia
Mengkudu Hutan/Mengkudu Jantan - Morinda elliptica
Mengkudu Gajah
Memali Duri - Leea aculeata
Memali - Leea indica
Mengkunyit - Coscinium blumeanum
Melada/Selada - Capparis micracantha
Medang Lansor - Elaeocarpus mastersii
Melinjau - Gnetum gnemon
Mata Pelanduk
Nilam - Pogostemon cablin
Nyior Lemba
Naga Buana/Naga Jumat/KayuPutih - Phyllanthus pulcher
Naga Stong / Kepala Beruk - Hydnophytum formicarium
Patawali/Putarwali/Petawali/Batang Wali - Tinospora crispa
Payong Ali
Palas Tikus/Palas Rewang - Licuala triphylla
Pecah Periuk Kuning
Pecah Periuk Puteh
Pecah Periuk Biru / itam
Pegaga - Centella asiatica
Pegaga Embun - Hydrocotyle sibthorpiodes
Pegaga Gajah
Petai Belalang/Ipil-ipil - Leucaena leucocephala
Panah Arjuna / Paku kikir - Tectaria crenata
Paku Gajah - Angiopteris evecta
Paku Tanduk Rusa
Paku Tunjuk Langit - Helminthostachys zeylanica
Paku Laut / Paku Haji - Cycas edentata
Paku Langsuyar - Platycerium coronarium
Penawar Hitam - Goniothalamus giganteus
Puding Emas - Codiaeum variegatum
Puah Pungah/Balai-balai - Aralidium pinnatifitidum
Raja Satong Sarang Semut
Rumput Sambau
Raja Berangkat/Cagau - Goniothalamus curtissi
Rempah Gunung
Rempah Padang
Rumput Buluh
Rumput Cina
Rumput Misai Adam - Themeda arguens
Rumput Jari Lipan - Limnophila aromatica
Sakat / Semun - Asplenium nidus
Senduduk/Cong Keradak - Dissochaeta gracilis
Senduduk/Kenduduk/Sekeduduk - Melastoma malabathricum
Senduduk (Puteh) - Melastoma sanguineum
Senduduk Baldu(Ungu Tua)
Susun Kelapa / Sisik kelah - Tabernaemontana divaricata
Susu Kambing
Setawar Kampung /Sedingin - Kalanchoe pinnata
Setawar Hutan / Setawar Bukit
Setawar Air - Costus speciosus
Sesudu - Euphorbia milli
Saidina Ali - Clerodendrom deflexum
Sedawai/Tampang Besi/Tembaga Suasa - Smilax calophylla
Sambung Nyawa - Gynura pseudochina
Serai wangi - Cymbopogon nardus
Sawi Rusa - Erechtites valerianifolia
Serapat Pandan/Siak-Siak Rimba/Sempit - Mapania cuspidata
Sekentut/Akar Bukit - Paederia foetida
Sekunyit - Coscinium fenestratum
Siantan Hutan/Menjarum - Ixora concinna
Siak-siak/Siak-siak Jantan/Meroyan Bungkus - Dianella ensifolia
Sirih Hutan/Sirih Tikus/Sirih Pacat - Piper caninum
Sirih Harimau/Kerakap Rimau - Piper porphyrophyllum
Susuh Ayam Hutan
Susuh harimau/Baka - Artabotrys suaveolens
Sanssiviria - Sansevieria trifasciata
Sri Kaya - Annona squamosa
Sungkai - Peronema canescens
Sundal Malam/Sumpa Bulan/Penggeli - Aglaoenama simplex
Tongkat Ali - Eurycoma longifolia Jac
Tongkat Ali Hitam - Polyalthia bullata
Tongkat Ali Mas/Gajah Tarik - Strychnos sp
Tengkok Biawak - Fagraea acuminatissima
Tebu Hitam - Saccharum officinarum
Teh Manis - Stevia Rebaudiana
Teh Hutan/Teh Kampung - Acalypha siamensis
Teja/Teja Lawang/Medang Teja - Cinnamomum iners
Tapak Kuda - Bauhinia purpurea
Tapak Gajah/Banal Hutan - Phyllagathis rotundfolia
Tutup Bumi/Bersih Hitam/Tapak Leman - Elephantopus scaber
Tarom Hutam - Didissandra frutescens
Terung Kemar/Mentimun Tikus/Akar Putih- Cyclea laxiflora
Terung Maranti
Terung Pipit/Terung Rembang - Solanum torvum
Terung Pipit Putih - Solanum indicum
Tepus Putih/Lengkuas Hutan/Lengkuas Angin - Alpinia javanica
Tepus Merah - Curcuma phaeocaulis
Tepus Tanah,/Tepai/Tepus Halia - Zingiber spectabile
Temu Pauh - Curcuma mangga
Temu Kunci - Boesenbergia rotunda
Temu Hitam/Kunyit Hitam - Curcuma aeruginosa
Temu Lawak - Curcuma xanthorrhiza
Temu Kuning/Kunyit Emas - Curcuma zedoaria
Ubi Gadung/Ubi arak/Taring Pelandok - Dioscorea hispida
Ubi Larut, Sagu Bemban Putih - Stachyphryniu griffithii
Ubi Seratus
Ubi Jaga/Dedawai Berisi - Smilax myosotiflora
Ulam Raja - Cosos caudatus
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How to convert HD video files using this HD video converter on Mac? The following step-by-step guide will show you how to complete the conversion task: convert HD video on Mac. First, download 4Media HD Video Converter(, ) for Mac .
Step 1. Install and run the HD Converter(, ) for Mac
The main interface of this HD Video Converter(, ) for Mac is as below.
Step 2. Add file
Click "Add File" button on the toolbar or "File> Add File" to load files.
Step 3. Choose output format
Choose the file, click "Profile" drop-down button to choose the format you need, then click "Browse..." button to choose destination folder for saving output files.
Step 4. Convert
Click "Convert" button on the toolbar to convert HD video on Mac.
Additionally, the HD Converter(, ) for Mac provides you with more features to perfect your video.
1. Clip video segment
At first, select a video/audio file in the file list, then click "Clip" button on the toolbar to open "Clip" window.
Play the file and set the start & end point you want to create segment in the segment list. If you want to get more segments, click "New Clip" button and repeat the above steps.
If you check "Output segments as whole one" option and click "OK" button, then these segments will be outputted as a merged one to the file list. Otherwise, they will be outputted respectively. Of course, you can also adjust the sequence of the segments in the segment list.
2. Add multiple profiles for the same video file
Select the video and click "Add Profile" button to set multiple output formats for one file, and then you can get several video formats from one source video for playback on your different players.
3. Get exact video file size with bitrate calculator
If you want to output a file in exact size, select the video file and click "Tools > Bitrate Calculator", and input the file size you need.
4. Adjust general and advanced profile settings
The HD Video Converter(, ) for Mac provides lots of general profile settings adjustable for your conversion. Click "Advanced Profile Settings" button to set more parameters for satisfying more needs.
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